Image you have an entity record and you would like to retrieve properties of some related entities. You can accomplish this in C# by using the LinkedEntities property of a QueryExpression.

Let’s take the following example, we have a ‘zen_career’ record which is linked to a contact record which is in turn linked to an owner record.

Example entity relations

We would like to retrieve the contact’s firstname and his owner’s name starting from the zen_career. Example code using RelatedEntities:

[code language=”csharp” wraplines=”false”]
Guid careerId = Guid.Parse("7F1A0C5A-C66D-E611-80CA-0050568E035D");
QueryExpression careerExpression = new QueryExpression("zen_career");
careerExpression.TopCount = 1;
careerExpression.NoLock = true;
careerExpression.Criteria.AddCondition("zen_careerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, careerId);

LinkEntity careerContact = new LinkEntity("zen_career", "contact", "zen_contactid", "contactid", JoinOperator.Inner)
Columns = new ColumnSet("firstname"),
EntityAlias = "contact",

LinkEntity contactOwner = new LinkEntity("contact", "owner", "ownerid", "ownerid", JoinOperator.Inner)
Columns = new ColumnSet("name"),
EntityAlias = "owner",


EntityCollection careerContactResult = _orgService.RetrieveMultiple(careerExpression);

Entity contact = careerContactResult.Entities.FirstOrDefault();
if (contact != null)
string firstName = contact.GetAliasedValue("contact.firstname");
string owner = contact.GetAliasedValue("");

We use an extension method GetAttributeValue, to optain the value of an AliasedValue. Source code:

[code language=”csharp” wraplines=”false”]
public static T GetAliasedValue(this Entity entity, string attribute, T def = default(T))
AliasedValue value = entity.GetAttributeValue<AliasedValue>(attribute);
if (value == null)
return def;
object result = value.Value;
if (result == null)
return def;
return (T)result;

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