Debug your custom code (plug-ins & custom workflow activities) using the plug-in profiler

I’m a big fan of unit testing your custom code to prevent errors from ever occuring in the system. However it is not unlikely that QA can still report an issue that is related to your custom code. You will have… Read More

Update status (statecode & statuscode) of a CRM record using C#

Prior to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 (update 1) we had to use special messages when updating special fields. Those special fields include the record’s status (statecode, statuscode), the owner of the record (ownerid), etc. The full list of those special… Read More

Plugin Registration Tool: Could not load file or assembly

When registering a new assembly in the Plugin Registration Tool you might encounter the error “Could not load file or assembly”. Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly ‘file://….dll’ or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported.… Read More